What is the optimum gap between the first and second sibling?

Planning to add a new member to your family? Research suggests that there might be an "ideal" age gap between siblings, and stud...

The First MATHnimals CONTEST Starts June 1st, 2024!

The MATHnimals CONTEST starts today and runs until August 31st. So it's not too late to take part!

Create your own deck of M...

According to a study carried out in 8 African countries, 90% of kids lag behind in numeracy and literacy

A recent study covering eight African countries revealed concerning statistics: 9 out of 10 children are not developmentally on...

What to do when your child wants to quit an activity?

Every parent desires to foster resilience in their children, encouraging them to face challenges head-on. But what happens when...

A majority of parents are concerned about their kids' academic and social development

A recent study conducted on 2,000 parents with children aged 0 to 5 years revealed that 59% of them have serious concerns about...

iThemba Projects: Helping parents and kids read and play together for a better future

In the heart of Sweetwaters, near Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, a dedicated group of women embarks on a daily trek armed with...