– According to a new UNICEF study covering 74 countries, more than 55% of 3 to 4 year old kids have dads who do not engage in early teaching and play activities with them. This analysis shows that a lot of fathers neglect the crucial role they should play with their children during the most important years. “We must break down the barriers that prevent fathers from providing their babies and young children a conducive environment for them to thrive, including love, play, protection and nutritious food,” said Laurence Chandy, UNICEF Director of Data, Research and Policy.

– The UNICEF study looked at whether kids aged 3 to 4 were involved in any early learning and play activities with their dads, like counting, reading, telling stories, drawing, singing, or playing outside together. Such precious experiences are crucial for all children. Research has found that exposure to violence and lack of care and stimulation impede the development of the young brain, but that children who can positively interact with their fathers have better psychological health, self-esteem and well-being over the long-term.


AELF - 2013

Children playing in Cebu City, Philippines (ChildUp.com)