Why is it so important for kids to be school-ready?

A recent study led by the University of Leeds highlights a significant correlation between early childhood preparedness and scho...

Preschool Memory Games


Like any intellectual, social, or physical capacities, memory skills can be developed from the first y...

Why are there so few BLUE animals and plants?

Blue might be a popular favorite for humans, but it’s actually quite rare in nature. Researchers from the University of Adelaid...

Who are today's tiger moms?

Thirteen years ago, Amy Chua's book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" stirred up controversy. Despite the debates, however, her...

Strong readers are made in preschool

Early learning experiences are crucial for lifelong literacy and academic success, particularly for English-language learners. H...

Playing video games may protect children from neurodevelopmental disorders

A study published in Npj Science of Learning found that preschoolers at risk for developmental dyslexia showed significant impro...