Mathematics is a journey of discovery, and young children are eager to embark on this exciting exploration. The early years, particularly preschool, provide a crucial foundation for developing a strong understanding of numbers and counting concepts. By introducing these concepts in a fun and engaging way, you can set your children up for success in their mathematical journey.


  1. Number recognition and naming: Start by helping children recognize and name numbers from 0 to 10. Use flashcards, finger counting, and real-world objects to reinforce the visual and tactile connection with each number.

  2. Counting forward: Once children can recognize and name numbers, introduce counting forward. Start with small groups of objects, such as toys or building blocks, and encourage them to count along with you. Steadily add more objects as their skills in counting develop.

  3. Counting backwards: Learning to count backwards is just as important as counting forward. Once children can count forward to 10, introduce counting backwards from 10 to 0. This will help them develop a deeper understanding of numerical sequence.


  1. Introduce zero later: While zero is an essential number, it may be challenging for young children to grasp its concept initially. Delay introducing zero until they have a firm grasp of numbers 1 to 9.

  2. Attach numbers to nouns: Pair numbers with concrete objects to make counting more meaningful. For example, say "One horse, two cows, three pigs, four sheep," and so on. This helps children connect numbers to real-world concepts.

  3. Make counting fun and engaging: Turn counting into a playful activity. Use games and songs to keep children interested and motivated. Make counting a part of their daily routine, such as during mealtimes, playtime, or during everyday activities.

  4. Patience and encouragement: Remember that each child learns at their own pace. Be patient, encouraging, and supportive throughout the learning process. Celebrate their progress, no matter how small, and always keep the learning experience enjoyable.

  5. Jokes and humor: Sprinkle humor into your counting lessons. Use funny voices, silly gestures, and playful language to make counting more engaging and memorable.

By following these tips and incorporating counting into everyday activities, you can help your child build a strong foundation in mathematics, laying the groundwork for future mathematical and academic success.

Picture: Arcanys Early Learning Foundation

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