Today, there are few doubts about it: teaching our children to count and to read early will give them lasting advantages with regards to their intellectual development and schooling achievement. And the positives are not only on the academic level. Such an early education will also develop our children’s ability to make money, allowing them to live a more comfortable life, for the many years to come. For those reasons, a growing number of parents are taking serious measures in this domain.

Rudo Boothe, a tech consultant, age 33, is a good example of this new species of involved parents. Convinced that his professional success is due to having himself learn to read and perform basic math at age 4, he makes sure to provide the same opportunity to his 19-month-old daughter. “My attempt is to make numbers very important,” Boothe said. “Greatness is the objective. To be phenomenal at age 7.”

Fluency – even excellence – in both math and reading are practically indispensable to be successful in school and at work. Timothy Bates, a psychology professor at the University of Edinburgh said, “Children who have acquired more skill in reading at age 7 have a cascade of positive events and by adulthood are earning significantly more.”

Image: Arcanys Early Learning Foundation