Why does early learning matter more than most people think? As research has shown, early learning is essential, and this is why we can find early learning centers in many neighbourhoods today. Actually, kids who begin learning during their first years are more likely to develop the skills and experience they'll need later on in life. So parents who want their children to reach their optimal potential should make sure their young students get started well and early.

In recent years, both government agencies and the education industry have boosted pre-K in the USA. Many of their initiatives are bridging the education gap in low-income areas. But studies found that early preschool also benefits kids from middle- to upper-class families in learning social and leadership skills as well as understanding basic math or reading, for instance.

Children who don't attend preschool are less likely to finish high school than their peers and are more likely to be unemployed later in life. This is why it's vital to find a good preschool that is not just for fun and games but also gives children a solid start academically.

Children's brains develop fast, which continues until their mid-20s, and there is no time to waste. There are many advantages to teaching kids new things as early as possible. In fact, the earlier they start, the quicker they will learn. And grabbing every opportunity to do it during the early years, the better their brain development will be. By enrolling kids in early education programs, the faster they will learn and probably outperform their peers who have not.

Furthermore, an early start will boost kids' IQ scores later on. According to a research at Johns Hopkins University, young students involved in a preschool program got higher IQ scores and later performed better on reading tests compared to their peers who have not benefited from such training. And another study revealed that preschoolers who entered preschool programs before age 3 scored better academically than those who waited until after age 3.

A "last but not the least" advantage: The longer children remain in school, the higher the wage they will earn throughout their career.

Picture: AELF - SUMUP tournament - July-2022 (Arcanys Early Learning Foundation)