Why is it normal for babies not to sleep through the night?

Scientists have uncovered something that may bring comfort, if not more sleep, to tired new parents. And it is that, contrary to...

Why boys don't like pink cars (a true story)

On the morning of the last day of the year 2023, I met two children at the park. One was a girl of around 8 years old and the ot...

Why boys are more likely than girls to be left behind in school?

Why are boys generally more likely to be left behind than girls in school? It's customary in society to encourage young boys to...

What Teachers and Parents Need to Know About Phonics

Most primary schools "do phonics" to some degree, but this is still often considered as a dull chore, similar to trying to get k...

Unveiling the key principles of authoritative parenting

In the intricate dance of parenthood, we all strive for the most effective approach to guide our children towards becoming happy...

Keeping Kids from Counting on their Fingers is Like Stopping their Development in Math

How you can be good at math, and other surprising facts about learning, by Jo Boaler

You have probably heard people say they a...