– It’s a common stance to take pride on not being good at mathematics. Around the world, a lot of people are unable to tell whether 1/3 is larger or smaller than 2/5, for example. This is a really big issue, especially now when, in order to be successful at school and to embrace many careers, math abilities became practically a must. So, the measure announced recently by Ontario Education Minister Liz Sandals to strengthen math teaching in Grades 1-8 is a wise step on the way to improve students’ level in numeracy.

– Of course, more time devoted to math learning may come at the expense of other subjects, feeding to the old debate between the importance of science versus arts. A misdirected controversy. Research has shown that increased math skills – like better reading skills – help the learning of other key subjects. Last year, the six following math-related professions were ranked in the top 10 by CareerCast.com: actuary, mathematician, statistician, data scientist, software engineer and computer systems analyst.



Orbital meachanics (Wikipedia)