– In the U.S. today, only 18% of computer science degrees go to women – down from 37% thirty years ago. On the other hand, by 2020 the country will need 1.2 million jobs requiring this kind of competencies. All around the world, the number of women graduating in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) is diminishing, while the number of related jobs is steadily increasing. There are plenty of future opportunities in computer science for young people, whatever their gender.

– One good mean to improve this situation is to start getting female students excited about science, math and technology as early as possible, long before they start college. “Girls Who Code,” for example, is a national nonprofit organization that works to close the gender gap in the technology and engineering sectors, in making those subjects fun, interesting and adapted to women. “Girls Who Code” intends to provide computer science education to 1 million girls by year 2020, in partnership with more than 25 leading enterprises that have pledged to hire graduates from its programs.



Image: Computer Science Department / (University of Colorado Boulder) Wikipedia