– In the 2012 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), administered by the the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 15-year old American students performed about average in reading, math and science.

– Shanghai ranked – again – at the top of the study. Hong Kong – whose preschools are of much better quality in comparison with those in the United States –  ranked near the top. Singapore was second in math and in the top five for both reading and science, while Korea received high marks in reading and mathematics for the third time in a row.

– Among the 65 countries participating in the survey, children who attended early childhood programs got the highest scores, standing on average a full year ahead of their peers. The results of the PISA study show that children from birth to age 5, in particular those coming from poor families, benefit greatly and for the long term from a high quality early education.

Image: Orbital Mechanics (Wikipedia)