
While co-sleeping has been practiced for centuries, it has also been the subject of much debate, with some raising concerns about its potential risks to infant safety. To help you make an informed decision, let's delve into the scientific research surrounding co-sleeping, exploring both its potential benefits and drawbacks.

Different types of co-sleeping

Before diving into the research, it's essential to clarify the two different forms of co-sleeping, which are the following:

  1. Co-sleeping on a shared surface - involves sharing the same bed as your baby.

  2. Co-sleeping in the same room - involves having your baby sleep in a separate bed or crib within the same room as you and your partner.

The impact on breastfeeding and communication

Research suggests that co-sleeping can promote breastfeeding, particularly during nighttime feedings. The proximity and physical contact between mother and baby means easier access to the breast and encourages more frequent nursing sessions.

Moreover, co-sleeping may enhance parent-infant communication. The close physical proximity can help parents become more attuned to their baby's cues, such as subtle movements or sounds, allowing them to respond promptly to their child's needs.

Potential sleep benefits for babies

Some studies indicate that co-sleeping may positively impact infant sleep. The shared warmth, heartbeat, and breathing patterns of the parent can create a calming and secure environment for the baby, promoting relaxation and deeper sleep cycles.

Additionally, co-sleeping helps babies fall asleep more easily throughout the night, potentially benefiting both the baby and the parents.

Potential sleep disruptions for parents

While co-sleeping may have some sleep advantages for babies, it can also disrupt parents' sleep patterns. The increased number of waking up at night, frequent position changes to accommodate the baby, and concerns about safety can lead to fragmented sleep for parents.

Studies have shown that parents who co-sleep on a shared surface experience more frequent sleep disturbances and shorter sleep compared to those who opt for solitary sleep arrangements.

Potential impact on infant stress levels

Some research suggests that co-sleeping may reduce stress levels in infants. The close physical contact and sense of security provided by co-sleeping can have a calming effect on babies, potentially mitigating stress hormones and promoting a sense of well-being.

However, it's important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the relationship between co-sleeping and infant stress levels.

Impact on attachment: A complex issue

The link between co-sleeping and parent-infant attachment is a complex and often debated topic. While some studies suggest that co-sleeping may strengthen attachment bonds, others report no significant association.

The potential benefits of co-sleeping on attachment may be affected by factors such as maternal sensitivity, responsiveness, and overall parenting style.

Conclusion: A parental choice

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to co-sleep with your baby is a personal one, influenced by individual preferences, family values, and cultural norms. Scientific research provides valuable insights into the potential benefits and drawbacks of co-sleeping, but it's essential to weigh all relevant information against your own circumstances and priorities.

If you choose to co-sleep, ensure you follow safe sleep practices to minimize potential risks. These practices include placing your baby on their back to sleep, using a firm sleep surface, and avoiding sharing a bed with other individuals.

Remember, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to co-sleeping. The important thing is to make an informed decision based on your own family's needs and preferences.

Picture: Mother and baby co-sleeping (ChildUp & DALL-E - 2023)