Tracy’s post on the benefits of preschool comes at an interesting time. Just a few weeks ago, my husband and I had a discussion about this. I was pretty sure we were on the same page about this one, and I was relieved to hear that we were.

Let me start by saying I have no problem with preschool. I have reasons specific to my family for not choosing to pursue it for Andrew and Matilda. But I do feel very comfortable with the choice I’ve made.

Some background: My husband and I didn’t go to preschool. We come from a really rural area, and it just wasn’t done by any families I knew. I’m not even sure it was available. We were both excellent students in school. I was reading before kindergarten. My husband also has degrees in elementary education, and he’s their primary caregiver right now. I feel like they’re in good hands on the education front.

Our reasoning: Weekly tuition for my two kids would be $100 a week (two part-time days) to $400 (for full-time preschool five days a week). This is a significant expense for us. Too significant if I have hopes of sending them to college one day.

Aside from expense, I strongly feel my kids have lots of years ahead where they’ll be working within schedules and systems.  I want them to have at least a few years where they have few responsibilities and can just be kids.

Having taught and seen the pressure of high-stakes testing firsthand, my husband was a little concerned they might be behind when they start school. I said we’ll do everything we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

I know there’s also the argument that they need the socialization. My kids already go to playgrounds and find friends quickly. They play with other kids in church nursery. They have toddler friends. Your first day of school happens whether you start it in preschool or in kindergarten. It’s an adjustment, a step that will be made regardless. I’m OK with it coming for them in kindergarten.

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IS YOUR CHILD KINDERGARTEN READY? iCount-to-10 – Teach Your Child to Count to 10 – Early Learning Game & Method for iPad

Source: Albany Times Union –